I think this is a truth for everyone.
Life in general. Grief. Chronic health conditions. Mental health issues. A million other things life brings to your door…
We really are doing our best and it really is good enough!
Amongst the yo-yo of life, one thing we often forget is to bring compassion and love to our not so great days, our suffering, our pain. We are so quick to blame!! “If I, I should have, I knew that and if, I could’ve would’ve should’ve”, you know the phrases? I’ve used them myself.
It’s a very human response – blame and anger, shame and guilt – to very human experiences. They’re going to happen! And when they do. Let yourself see it and feel it. Then say thanks. I see you. And, I’m now going to love myself, be kind to myself, be compassionate and forgiving. Because I also know:
I am doing my best and that truly is good enough.
Give yourself permission to be kind and loving to yourself through the ups AND the downs. Just like you would to someone you love 💗
#self-compassion #kindness #loveallofyou #energyhealing #holisticcounsellor #balance #yinyang