Love vs Shame
Shaming yourself never works, it only perpetuates pain. I recently had a conversation with a beautiful client about this and the need for what I call, the compassion blanket and th
Love all the signal lights
You know what? Sometimes we just don’t know which way to turn or what to do next! But every stop, go, or not sure, IS something. You’re always doing something even if that some
You Can’t Heal a Body You Hate
This post is for anyone going through physical changes due to menopause, illness, post birth, mental struggles and anything else that may contribute to altering your physical appea
Guilt vs shame
Feeling guilty. It’s heavy. It brings in all the feelings and a lot start with “I should”. Brené Brown says there’s a big difference between guilt and shame so maybe this
If you knew me yesterday
The other day I walked past someone I used to know many years ago … she kinda looked at me funny and it got me thinking. Growth happens on the inside where no one can see you do
Surrender vs Giving Up
I don’t know about you but sometimes I “have a moment”. I think we all have them. And when I have my well earned pity party (**see below) – I sometimes hear myself spea
In transit
Many years ago I worked in a retail store and warehouse, and when stock was on its way its was called “GIT or goods-in-transit”. It showed up on the books as neither here nor t
How we all doing?
I thought I’d share my inner musings with you because maybe your brain works the same way as mine. How often do you pause before you speak? How many times have you stood ou
I was talking to a beautiful soul this morning, and we were sharing thoughts and feelings about being authentic and healing and those feel like crap days too. We saw a reel a
The Gifts of Healing
Oh gosh what a beautiful insight into the gift of healing. This has been the most wonderful blessing for me in my own healing, and also witnessing the same for my beautiful clients