It. Takes. Time.
I saw an interview with Dr Mary Catherine McDonald, where she was talking about trauma and how she feels it’s been viewed wrongly for some time now. She says: “We have been fed
Being a joy explorer
The last few days my body’s been super tired. Which means I’ve been super tired. And I really don’t like it! I had chronic fatigue a long time ago so, when I feel like this,
Calm after the storm….
So … A few months back now I had a moment. I had a bit of a panic attack and it was rough. Even though I know it was hormone related (thanks menopause lol), and I have loads of t
A teller of truth
I’ve had a few people in my life say “I am a truth teller” or, “I am gifted with speaking the truth” or, “I say it like it is” or, “I’m an empath I just know thin
Let’s talk about rest.
What’s your belief system around resting? How often have you heard the saying, I’ll sleep when I’m dead? How often do you tell yourself, I don’t have time to rest? Chronic
Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better – Maya Angelou
Doing inner work is a wonderful gift!!! When you put the effort in and make those changes, life is just, different. One thing I’ve noticed and I’ve seen it happen with others a
Let’s talk procrastination and purpose!
Procrastination is something I think we all fall prey to sometimes. I know at differing times I have been known to be extremely good at it😉 Some of the reasons we procrastinate
Zen Meditation
Let’s talk zen meditation. It’s’s easy to do…and it can be done literally anywhere. Zen meditation uses your breath and your senses. Taking the focus off your tho