You Can’t Heal a Body You Hate
This post is for anyone going through physical changes due to menopause, illness, post birth, mental struggles and anything else that may contribute to altering your physical appearance.
This message hit me a little hard this morning. Because full disclosure I had a massive and confronting emotional moment yesterday morning when I saw a picture of myself and I didn’t like it. I was looking at this picture and didn’t recognise myself and not in a positive way. I can give you my reasons that feel valid to me – but at the end of the day this is a message about self-love.
It’s also a reminder that even with a toolbox full of life tools, we have our human moments. We experience grief at what we once were both in vibrancy and physicality. And so we mourn. We let go. We let ourselves feel the pain we feel either real or imagined. And we hold ourselves in love for a moment until it has been seen and held enough. Then let go again.
Now we bring in more love. Speak to your body. Thank you for housing my soul. Thank you for my breath, my consciousness, my movement. I love you. I will continue to do the best I can for you with what I have right now. I appreciate you. You are gorgeous in all your forms. I really love and appreciate you.
If you’re struggling with the “I used to look and now I look” moments, try these words if you want to. It is so healing and loving to honour the house of your soul. We are soul in human form. And that humanness needs to hear the wisdom of your soul when it forgets it’s more than flesh and bone 🌿