
“One of life’s greatest blessings is to remember that your soul had a dream, and your life is it” – Rebecca Campbell

No one person’s healing journey is the same as another’s.  If you are breathing, then at some point in your life, you will more than likely seek out healing in all its forms!

We can find ourselves searching for something, sometimes we’re not even sure what that something is, but search we do! Maybe it’s to feel connected to ourselves and life again, to have some clarity and peace, both with our past and our present life. To just breathe and meet ourselves where we are at.  I understand this because I have been there too.

My healing search began in 2004 whilst looking for support through what I call, “the dark night of the soul”. I was questioning everything and searching for answers and hope, to lift me back into some light. This is where I first experienced the magical mix of talk therapy with energy healing and spiritual mentoring, which eventually led me to search all the things to help me heal – mind, body and soul.

While life was unfolding through marriage, parenting, divorce, deaths and then mix in a major health crisis (cause why not haha), I began my own studies in Energy Healing, Meditation and Holistic Counselling. This led to a clearer understanding of the why’s and how’s of the mind, and a deepening of spirituality and how to apply it to the everyday with simplicity. So many things started to make sense!

I aim to simplify what can often be made to feel mysterious. To expand on you how you can fill up a tool box for life, to know that you can and will know how to support yourself and be all you are. We deepen our knowledge, spirituality, healing and awareness NOT by following others, but by understanding our own mind and tapping in to our souls innate wisdom within. We just need a little help sometimes to clear the path so we can see it. With self-responsibility and awareness, it’s a whole new level of grounded living, full of life, joy and a sense of well-being.

I am based in Wynnum Qld for in person sessions, or, can facilitate sessions online via zoom so no matter where you are, connection is possible. If you feel ready, let’s meet! If you want to know more, I offer a complimentary 15minute connection call so we can chat. Still unsure? Check out my testimonials here.

Energy Healing | Holistic Counsellor | Spiritual Awareness & Energetic Soul Connection | Personalised Meditation Practitioner | Reiki Master & Teacher